
The list of accepted trainees

No advance payments are available. All costs will be reimbursed after the event. Students should pay their accomodation at the Venue (Hotel Palace). About 1-2 months after the school, trainees will be reimbursed by the fix Grant of 600 EUR by the COST Project. Trainees should receive an invitation by the e-COST system soon.


The attendance will be restricted to 40 students funded by the two COST Actions (PhD students or early-career researchers eligible for COST funding). The school can welcome up to 10 students from Belgrade region. The school also accepts the applications from at most 10 candidates that have their own source of finances. Lunches and all meals will be included in the overall price (see Venue) for the 8-nights-stay in the hotel.
ALL participants must fill an application form, which includes a short CV, a motivation letter and a short recommendation letter.
Both actions will jointly classify students according to COST rules, including balancing career stage, gender, and countries of work. The acceptance will be notified by June 25th at the latest.


Fixed grants shall be provided for up to 40 students in the amount of EUR 600.- per student to cover full board in a double room and travel expenses (amounting to about EUR 230.-).


Students will have to sign the attendance for each day of the school, according to COST regulations. About 1-2 months after the school they will be reimbursed with the fixed rate of EUR 600.- . In order to be reimbursed, students should follow their obligations (to be received from COST administrative).

Local students

Local students (from Belgrade, Serbia) can also apply for COST funds for lunches and dinners at the venue. They need to send an application letter, in the same way as all other students, to attend the school. Maximum number of local students is 10 (5 being chosen from each of the COST Actions). They will be reimbursed with the fixed grant of EUR 120.- per student (to cover all expenses for lunches and dinners at the venue).


The school also accepts the applications from at most 10 candidates that have their own source of finances. They pay hotel accommodation (the full package) and travel expenses, plus the fixed amount of EUR 200.- for the school in advance. They can also be master students that cannot be financed by COST. In the application form they should note that they have other sources of financing, otherwise their applications will be processed as any other.

COST Schools & eligibility

COST training schools are open to young scientists (PhD Students or Early Career Researchers), from any nationality or country. However, due to space and funds limitations, following the COST association rules, the preference will be given to students working in laboratories from countries participating to the CM1401 and/or CM1405 actions  (irrespective of the student’s own nationality). Also eligible are some laboratories specifically associated with the actions, in Nearest Neighbor Countries. See the websites of the actions for details:

ONLY students working in those laboratories are eligible for COST grants. These grants shall cover a substantial part of the local expenses and travel expenses.